Blockhouse Bay Christian Kindergarten was opened in 1996 as a community service of Blockhouse Bay Community Church.
Since then our centre has become an integral part of our local community, offering quality early childhood education within a Christian ethos.
We are a multicultural centre, and welcome the diversity of faiths, ethnicities and cultures that are reflected in the families we care for. We develop close and respectful relationships with families through communication about their child, and by welcoming them to participate in various aspects of the centres program.
We offer sessions and a full day service continuously throughout the year Monday to Friday but are closed over the Christmas school holidays.
Mornings from 9.00 to 12.00 | Afternoons from 12.30 to 3.30
Full days from 9.00 to 3.30 pm
Children between the ages of 2 and 5 are welcome. We have limited free spaces for children who are under 3. We offer 20 free ECE hours for children aged 3 to 5, with a specialised transition to school program. W.I.N.Z childcare subsidy available.
Our Philosophy
As part of our commitment to quality learning, we:
Equip each child physically, mentally, socially, emotionally and spiritually for the best possible transition into school and later life.
Instil into each child a passion for learning, value and experimentation and develop creativity and confidence.
Foster a quality learning experience, enhanced by the employment of fully qualified teachers, who are passionate about Early Childhood education.
Provide a welcoming, well-resourced and challenging environment that enables children to feel safe and secure.
Assess individual children by observations and learning stories, so that their interests, strengths and dispositions are identified. Encourage self-help skills and develop social competencies.
Develop foundational skills within the domains of talking, print, listening, looking and moving to equip children for literacy skills.
For those children from whom English is their second language, we encourage them to gain greater confidence in speaking English, while acknowledging their own culture and linguistic diversity.