We were very sad to say that Pastor Dan and his family as they were returning to Canada. Together on Thursday the 30th of May we celebrated the time that they had spent with us over the last couple of years. Pastor Dan had led the children’s mat times every Thursday morning and the children had loved these times! We do miss his fun and enthusiasm! Amy had helped out as a parent help, and also in the office at times, and Lucy attended Kindergarten making many friends. Together we had a lovely time singing, and dancing and saying farewell. Our Kindergarten Whanau/families joined us in wishing them all the best for their future. Pastor Dan also performed his famous at our alt=”” width=”145″ height=”300″ class=”alignnone size-medium wp-image-329″ />Kindergarten song ‘Glory Hallelujah’ with the children. The children absolutely love this song!!! We are excited to see where God leads them in the future.

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